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TeenBookCloud and TumbleBookLibrary

About TeenBookCloud

TeenBookCloud (TBC) is an online database of eBooks and educator resources perfect for a middle school, high school, or public library. TBC offers over 1,000 titles in a variety of formats, including ebooks, graphic novels, classic literature, National Geographic videos, and audiobooks, and supports a wide range of reading interests and levels.

The collection is available via the Internet around the clock. There are no check-out times, downloads or wait lists. Read, watch or listen with no delays and unlimited access. Scroll through a graphic novel on an iPad, read a classic novel on a computer, or listen to an audiobook on a smartphone!

Teacher-friendly features

With the MyAssignments feature teachers and students are able to track their reading activity and progress. Students get feedback which motivates them to continue reading and teachers can assign particular books to an entire class, group of students or single student.  To set up a MyAssignments account please email

Other features of note to educators:

  • Enhanced novels, which include classic literature, YA novels, middle school chapter books and foundational non-fiction texts, feature full audio narration paired with line-by-line highlighting.
  • AP English resources make hundreds of curriculum books available, and educators can take advantage of common-core-aligned content.
  • MyCloud allows teachers and other users to create secondary accounts and create customized playlists that can be access from any computer.
  • Both the student and teacher can use the pause button to stop the story at any time in order to practice story prediction, interpret pictures, discuss new vocabulary words, empathize with a character, discuss possible consequences of actions, encourage problem solving, or provide historical, geographical, or other perspectives.
  • Each title has an accompanying TumbleQuiz: a fun, flash-animated, multiple-choice quiz that each student can take online after reading a book to test their reading comprehension. Quizzes are also available with audio.
  • Each title has recommended reading levels: Grade, Lexile and Accelerated Reader information. Click on the reading level to see other books at the same level.

Other How-Tos

  • Access TBC via any reading/mobile device that has an internet connection (for example: color Nook, Kindle fire, iPads & iPod Touch).
  • Search by title, author, publisher, language, keyword and reading level.
  • Use automatic or manual mode. In automatic mode, the pages turn by themselves and are narrated; in manual mode, the readers turn the pages at their own speed.
  • Adjust the size of the text, or the background color for a fun customizable reading experience.
  • Make notes and create bookmarks In enhanced novels and ebooks.
  • Add your favorite title(s) to the My Favorites section for easy access any time. This feature is cookied onto individual computers.

Using MyAssignments

What is MyAssignments?

MyAssignments is a feature that lets teachers set up classroom homework assignments right on TumbleBookLibrary!

How do schools sign up?

Simply email us at We are looking for the following information:

  1. The names and emails of all teachers who wish to take part.
  2. School name and district.

After we set you up, we will send teachers a welcome email with the MyAssignments login information.

I have my login info, now how do I sign in?

First, teachers should log in to TumbleBookLibrary as they normally would (either with a username and password or with a direct link from their school’s website.

Then, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the TumbleAdmin button. There’s a button for MyAssignments under the TumbleAdmin section. Enter the email you used to sign up, and the password we sent you.

I tried logging into TBL with MyAssignments credentials. Why won’t it work?

You must be logged in to TumbleBookLibrary first, in order for your MyAssignments credentials to work. Please sign in to TBL using your school user information or a direct link, and then log in to MyAssignments under the TumbleAdmin section at the bottom of the page.

How do Students use MyAssignments?

Students can log in to MyAssignments using the link in the blue nav bar below the site header. Using the dropdown menu on the student login page, they will find their classroom name, and click “Login”. No Password required.

If the student login for MyAssignments doesn’t have a password, how is it secure?

TumbleBooks’ websites will never ask for, display, or collect any personal information on student users. MyAssignments is a safe space where students can view reading assignments from their teacher without entering any personal information or seeing personal information on their classmates.

How will teachers know if a student has completed an assignment?

MyAssignments is designed to work with – not replace or replicate – other distance learning platforms. We understand how cumbersome it might be to assign a book to read from Google Classroom, and have students visit our website to find the book on their own.

How do I set up my classroom?

After logging into MyAssignments, you will be presented with a page that shows your name and school. This page has a Sign Out button too.

Most importantly, there is an “+ ADD NEW CLASS” button. Click it, enter a name for your class, and then click the orange “ADD CLASS” button.

               Your new classroom will appear in the table below the “+ ADD NEW CLASS” button.

If you make a mistake in the class name, you may click on the little pencil icon to edit it. Or, you may delete it with the “X” button.

We highly recommend naming your class with a distinctive name that your students can easily understand. Especially if there are multiple classes of the same grade, or similar teacher names.

               EG: “Mrs Smith’s Grade 2 Class” is more recommended than “Grade 2” or “Mrs. S’s Class”.

               You may set up multiple classrooms if needed.

How do I assign BOOKS?

               First, log in to TBL and then into your MyAssignments teacher portal (see “how to log in” above).

               After signing in to MyAssignments, a red “Assign” button will now appear with every book.

So, as you browse the website, click on the book cover of a title you are interested in assigning. Then, click on the red Assign button below the book cover. A pop-up window will appear, asking you to select your Classroom, write a brief message for your students (optional), and then select your due date. Finally, press the blue “Assign” button. A message saying “Assignment sent successfully.” Will appear. You may then close the window.

How do I assign QUIZZES?

               This is very similar to assigning books to read.    

First, log in to TBL and then into your MyAssignments teacher portal (see “how to log in” above).

As you browse the website, click on the book cover of a title you are interested in assigning. Bellow the book cover are links to read the book, add to favorites, quizzes. There’s also a red “Assign” button which is for a reading assignment.

To assign a QUIZ, click on the blue “Quizzes” button. This will bring you to a page that shows the available quizzes for that book. Select the quiz you want and click on the white “Assign” button to the right of the quiz description.

A pop-up window will appear, asking you to select your Classroom, write a brief message for your students (optional), and then select your due date. Finally, press the blue “Assign” button. A message saying “Assignment sent successfully.” Will appear. You may then close the window.

How do I look at, or remove the books I’ve assigned for my class?

               After signing in to MyAssignments, you see your class list under the “My Classrooms” table.

               Simply click on the class name you wish to look at.

Your class page will show all the books you’ve assigned to your class, as well as the due date, and the message you wrote to your students.

The order of the books is determined by their due date: books with the closest due date appear first.

               You can delete individual assignments by clicking on the “X” to the right of the book.

You can delete multiple titles by clicking the little check-box to the left of the book, and then clicking on the orange “Delete Selected” button below the table.

Finally, if you wanted to, you can also delete all assignments by clicking on the blue “Delete ALL” button below the table.

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